Sending Email Issue with Sendgrid API key

I am not receiving emails on Form Submit from my site page SUPPORT. I have checked and rechecked all videos and threads, but there seems to be no error in my code. Please help
Site Form Page : Supprt
Site :
Wix Id :

The following are my codes


import {sendEmail} from ‘backend/email’;

$w.onReady( function () {

function sendFormData() {
const subject = Support Form Entry from ${$w("#input1").value};
const body = Name: ${$w("#input1").value} \rCity: ${$w("#input3").value} \rMobile: ${$w("#input4").value} \rEmail: ${$w("#input5").value} \rTyre Size: ${$w("#input6").value} \rTyre Serial: ${$w("#input7").value} \rDealer: ${$w("#input8").value} \rCity of Purchase: ${$w("#input9").value} \rDate of Purchase: ${$w("#datePicker1").value} \rIssue: ${$w("#textBox1").value} \rFile: ${$w("#uploadButton1").value} ;

debugger ;
sendEmail(subject, body)


import {sendWithService} from ‘backend/sendGrid’;

export function sendEmail(subject, body) {
const key = “SG.DmXth5y6T2S8zvu0B_Y3OQ.NWPxxxxMSHczGRmd2Yk40gglhGtpTOkoNG-Dj0-xxxx”;
const sender = “”;
const recipient = “”;
return sendWithService(key, sender, recipient, subject, body);


import {fetch} from ‘wix-fetch’;

export function sendWithService(key, sender, recipient, subject, body) {
const url = “”;

const headers = {
“Authorization”: “Bearer” + key,
“Content-Type”: “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”

const data = from =${sender}&to=${recipient}&subject=${subject}&text=${body};

const request = {
“method”: “post”,
“headers”: headers,
“body”: data

return fetch(url, request)
.then(response => response.json());