Can't put an image background for the entire site

In this article they mention a “Page Background” to add an image but I don’t have that in my Editor. All I see is Typography, Colors and Page Transitions.
Can anyone assist?

I assume I’m using the latest editor because I created my account a few days ago but it’s not clear.

What are you trying to achieve:
I’m trying to add an image to the background of my website so it’s the same everywhere.

What have you already tried:
The article shared above.
I’ve tried adding image backgrounds to sections but it’s really not the effect I’m looking for.

Additional information:
Completely new to Wix (and so far it’s not very intuitive)
These are the only options I see regarding the background:
Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 22.40.05

Hey @user870! :wave:

It seems you might be using Wix Studio, which doesn’t have the ability to added images to the page background.

I’d recommend trying out the Wix Editor (which has an easier learning curve) and allows to add images to the page background.

The support article was written for the Wix Editor, hence doesn’t apply to the Studio editor :slight_smile:

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Thank you Noah! Indeed the Editor seems much easier to use and I was able to easily add my image :raised_hands:t3:
I didn’t realize there was a difference between the two. Guess I’ll have to handle client projects differently :slight_smile: