Chat Messenger built with WiX Code

Hi Guys

We’re showing off a bit with the pretty cool messenger we’ve built with WiX Code. It lets site members chat instantly with each other, has cool features such as ‘press enter to send’ and auto updates on either side so no page refresh is ever necessary.

It does have a few pre-requisites such as that users who are sending messages have to be site members, among a few others, but it also has the advantage of being fully customizable in terms of design look & feel. This specific one was build for an online tutoring service and has a cool feature where admin staff can easily review chats between students as a build in precaution and for peace of mind for parents.

Unfortunately the setup is not such that we can simply copy and paste the code as the structure is quite complex, but feel free to get in touch with us for a demo or grab a friend, sign up and test it out here:

Thanks for looking!


Awesome work

Hey Tiaan,

Were you able to figure out how to make the messages go from ‘Bottom to the Top’ instead of new messages appearing on the top?


Yes I did. What I did was to add another database field with a value in it, something like ‘last 7’ to indicate the message is part of the last 7 messages in the chat. Then I simply flip’d the order in the dataset and added a filter to look for ‘last 7’ in the specific database field. It was as simple as that!

Note - you would have to run a script to clear out the ‘last 7’ from a message if it no longer qualifies.

Hi Tiaan,

Very cool stuff … nice work …
Wit the member chat that been released few months ago:
and with the new Chat + Corvid integration that released last week:$w.Chatbox.html#hide
You can even take your idea and solution to much advance solutions

Play and enjoy, Erez