I need help with a customizable chat project.

I made this little chat using the user inputs and a database to save the log, I think of making it our official chat if I can complete it, but I’m new to the wix code.

As you can see there is a blog on the site and I wanted to get the users id from there and connect in my chat so that your name was synchronized when posting a message.

A yes, I am using a repeater to display the messages sent to the database, but when I open the chat the log is empty I do not know how to make the last 50 messages continue to be displayed even with the reloading of the site.

There is also the problem that people do not receive messages from other users in real time, they do not even receive them.

And somebody knows if it has to configure so that the database excludes all the shipments, less the last 50?

I’m sorry this project is full of problems and I really want to concretize it, especially after seeing the anime “Durarara” or “DRRR !!” :slight_smile:

If I can complete this project I promise I will do a detailed tutorial on how to play it so that everyone can have a highly customizable chat free, after all unfortunately the current options have little freedom of configuration and are often paid.

The image options in the right corner of the image is just an idea, but it would be better to be able to synchronize the image based on the logged in user id as well as your name and the link to your blog profile pinned to the image.

Chat link so they can test the Alpha-Beta phase model.

I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes, unfortunately I’m not good in English.


Do you have it know I am really interested can you please share the code?

Can you give this a try:

//60000 is ms eq to 1 minute change that value towards your needs
 setInterval(() => $w('#dataset').refresh(), 60000) 

Hi Vortex,

With the new Wix Chat / Corvid integration you will able perform this chat in much easier way

Enjoy, Erez