Code for search database contents through button.

Hi, Ive created a database and a web form.

Now, this web form is not a dynamic page or doesnt have any buttons to search the next and previous results just like other web forms and database created by me.

On this database i want to search contents by:
Type of search (as dropdown) and text to search (as text input) and then press the button search and fill the form with the results.

Please check the images.
Can you please help me with this since that i dont have knowledge in this code?

Dropdown box = tipo de pesquisa
text box = texto de pesquisa
Button to search = pesquisar

Search area

results area

Thanks in advance for your support.

Hey Palves

A quick google search on Wix search database will show you this forum post giving you the code needed which I know ive used before.
I will advice reading through it and setting some time off to actually understand what is going on instead of trying to just copy and paste.

best regards

Hi Claes,

Before i got here ive google it and found the topic and the video.
However as you may saw, my problem is different and i also have a button to start the search and not just write on the text box and start getting results from the database.
Now for a developer with knowledge of wix code perhaps you can find a lot of similarities but for me this is the firts time that i need some code and i dont know how to choose from that code.