Comments for dynamic page

I was creating a comment function on a normal page to let people comment on things. I was wondering if it would be possible to create this for a dynamic page. I tried the wix example website. The only problem there is that example was for the wix blog. I tried recoding it but I didn’t get fare.
I got an error message
I got the error message ‘getPhoto’ does not exist on ‘#dynamicDataset’. The getPhoto was getPost in the example but as I am not using the blog for this I can’t use it. I looked up getBlog in wix documentation. I found it. It was only for the blog. Is there an alternative for getPost for databases?
~Thank you!~

$w("#dynamicDataset").getPhoto().then(item => {
        currentPhoto = item

I found it out my self! So silly of me. I forgot about the getCurrentItem. The only problem here is that the comments show on all pages of my dynamic pages. Could someone point out what I need to add?
My code:

import wixData from 'wix-data';
let currentPhoto
$w.onReady(function () {
    $w("#dynamicDataset").getCurrentItem().then(item => {
        currentPhoto = item
async function loadItemComments() {
 const { items: itemComments } = await wixData.query("coment")
    .eq("item", currentPhoto._id)
    $w("#repeater1").data = itemComments
export function repeater1_itemReady($item, itemData, index) {
    $item("#text72").text = itemData.userName
    $item("#text71").text = itemData.userComment
    $item("#text73").text = itemData._createdDate.toLocalDataString('en-US')
export function button56_click(event) {
const newComment = {
    item: currentPhoto._id,
    userName: $w("#input1").value,
    comment: $w("#input2").value
wixData.insert("coment", newComment).then(() => {
$w("#input1").value = ""
$w("#input2").value = ""

~Thank you~