Connect Add To Cart button w/ Custom product page/database

My product features (.csv fields) are different than the required wix store .csv fields. Therefore I am creating a repeater flow that is connected to a custom database to display all the product features.
The problem I am having is connecting the “Add To Cart” button to the store database since the repeater is connected to the custom product dataset/database. I created a copy of the product database to the store database with the required wix .csv format so the same items exists and can be purchased by going to the store.
Is there a way to add an “Add To Cart” button to the custom product repeater and sync up with the right item at the store?
I know there is an “Add To Cart” button I can add from the store tools but the inventory is 250 items. The Add To Cart button won’t repeat in the repeater and has to be added individually and edited each time.
Please advice.

The Add to Cart button is a feature of the Wix Stores app itself and can’t be edited through Corvid as you have to manually connect it to a product.
After adding the button, go to Settings to connect it to one of your products. To learn more, click here .

As your issue is technically not code related, you would be better suited going through Wix Support for more help on this.

Thanks for your reply. Doesn’t help thou… I wasn’t asking if I could customize the “Add To Cart” button. The real question is:
Is there a way to add a custom “Add To Cart” button to the custom/dyanmic product page with a repeater that is connected to a custom product database but it links to the right item at the store?
Basically, I need a code that enables a button in a dynamic page (connected to a different database than the store database) to connect to the product to the store database in a repeater.
Hope this makes sense.

You can use addToCart() or addProductsToCart() methods to add a specific product to cart as instructed in our API here:$w.CartIcon.html#addProductsToCart$w.CartIcon.html#addToCart

Sam, many thanks for correcting me with the API reference, however the products still need to be in the Wix Stores Product Collection for it to work and not in a separate dataset.

@givemeawhisky Thank you both.
(So people can see here…)
Yes did I create a modified copy of the .csv that is compatible with the wix store database so I have all the products. For the dynamic page I uploaded the full version of the .csv with all the unique info fields. This allows me to create a customized product page with the most flexibility. I will implement the #addToCart and update.
Thanks again.

I added the code for the Add To Cart button but I can’t get the button to connect to the item in the repeater. It ads a random item from the wix store database instead of the item in the container which comes from the High Bay (dynamicDataset).
(dataset1: Store/Products dataset)

import wixData from 'wix-data';
import wixStores from 'wix-stores';

$w.onReady(function () {
    $w("#addToCart").onClick((event) => {
 let $item = $;

 let selectedProduct = $item('#dataset1').getCurrentItem();
 let productId = selectedProduct._id;
            .then(() => {
                console.log("add product ${productId} success");
            .catch((error) => {



Just following up so the forum community can see how the problem could be solved.

To be able to have a fully customized product display with additional product details, create a custom collection and upload the .csv and create the repeater page with 2 datasets.

Create a copy for the store/product collection and fill it with the matching tabs/columns i.e (Product Name, Category, SKU)

On the repeater. The code you need for the Add To Cart button on the repeater is:

import wixData from 'wix-data';
import wixStores from 'wix-stores';

$w.onReady(function () {
    $w("#addToCart").onClick((event) => {
 let $item = $;

 let selectedProduct = $item('#dataset1').getCurrentItem();
 let productId = selectedProduct._id;
            .then(() => {
                console.log("add product ${productId} success");
            .catch((error) => {



The repeater needs to be connected to the custom collection dataset and the button needs to be connected to the store/product dataset.
Set a filter for the custom collection dataset for “Product Name” (coming from a different dataset - which should be Store/Product)
(***Make sure both data collections are sorted in the same order. )

Now your button connects to the right product and adds the item to the cart.
