Connecting databases

Hello Guys,
I’m racking my brain a few days and can’t find a solution.
I created a website where the user will login or register using Wix Login / Register and this tool created the “PrivateMembers” database.
When a user is inside the site, he will input some data and this information will go to a second database I created called “InvestoresProject_01”.

The problem is: I can not identify in the database “InvestorsProject_01” which user input the information using the database “PrivateMember”
Resuming: I’d like to see in database “investidor Projetc_01”, which user did input the information

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Okay so what you have actually done is to add the Wix Members app to your website.

This app automatically adds the Members/PrivateMembersData collection to your website as it is used with the app itself.

This collection is read only and you can only do so much with the fields as shown here.

The actual signup/register and login windows, either the Wix own window or the Wix Custom or if you use your own Corvid Lightbox, then all use the Wix CRM and the Wix Users API.

All signed up site members will have all their details added to the Wix CRM which you can see through the Contacts List in your Wix Dashboard.

What’s the difference between wix-crm and wix-users?
The CRM API contains functionality for working with your site’s contacts.
The Users API contains functionality for working with users who are logged-in members.
Note that all members are also contacts, but contacts are not necessarily members.

Wix CRM is for Contacts only, all site members will be contacts, however not all contacts will be site members.

Wix Users is for site members only.

If the user is already logged in when they fill out the Investor user input form for the Investor dataset, then you can easily just get the users details by using Wix Users and getting the details of the current user.

If you look at the Wix Dataset fields themselves, then the ID field will be same in every entry for that user.

givemeawisky, tks so much…I’ll check this page…tks again