Connecting Two Database Together

I have a custom registration form, where users can sign up/sign in to my website. I have created database to store the users information, like First Name, Last Name, and Email.
Now I want create database, where I can display different private information for user member, this information are projects that members will be working it out with me, so I need to provide them with regular updates. The new database will consist of below:

  • Project Name
  • Project Start Date
  • Project End Date
  • Project photo gallery
  • Project Documents

How can I relate the new database with the members database? Same may suggest to simply include this information in the members database instead of creating new database, but this will work only if each member is having 1 project, but for more projects It will not efficient.

I want to make my site more organized and have easy access to such information.

Appreciate your support.


you can connect them by adding a reference field in a collection referring to the other collection

@florian I have tried that but the problem is that when I define a dynamic page and try to display this information only the latest added field in the database appears for all members.
I want to be able to display the database content field of each member separately with no mixing up. Any idea on how to achieve that?

Maybe am doing something wrong so if you have a steps to follow please share with me and I’ll try it.

thank you

If you have used the Wix Members app on your site, then you will have the Members PrivateMembersData collection which you can’t add any new fields to and is read only anyway,

If you have created your own separate members dataset, like in this Wix tutorial for a member profile page.
Then as you’ve said, you are much better creating a separate dataset instead of trying to add additional fields to this dataset.

Therefore, as Florian states above, you are much better working with a separate dataset that you can reference through the use of reference fields.

Depending on how many members you have and you are actively working with, you could in theory have a separate dataset for each member that you are working with.

There are many Wix Support pages on how to reference multiple datasets…,multiple%20items%20at%20a%20time.