Connecting product elements to dynamic pages

Hi all, firstly i apologise if this question has been asked, and i know it has, but perhaps maybe in a different way, but i cannot find and answer or hasn’t been answered yet, despite my looking and trying to find the answer myself.
So lets talk Products. Creating products from a store its pretty easy, and it creates a database with all the images, text, files, price etc etc. Now, i cant stand the default product pages on wix(sorry) so i would like to create my own. i kind i figured that this would be straight forward as i have many dynamic pages, so i known how to connect the data, but when it comes to doing it with product pages it doesn’t seem to work in the same way when it comes to things like ‘Add to cart’ buttons and product widgets, which to me seems odd. So, my question is why cant you link those product widgets to products dataset? if you cant, and how do i connect them to the product dataset, if you can. :slight_smile: secondly, connecting buttons to download files from those specific products, i had something working from a previous answer, but i can’t get it to work when using a dynamic page.


I remember, can’t do ‘Digital’ products with add to cart or buttons. what a waste of time. :frowning: