Connecting sections/anchors to Menu

When i try to link my menu to certain sections on my main page, it doesn’t give me the option too. How come I only have the option of pages and not sections when i try to anchor to my menu?

Wix Studio Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
I want to link my portfolio section to the “portfolio” portion of my menu but it won’t doesn’t show sections in the anchor area. I also would like to add multiple pages under the dropdown of my “portfolio” portion of my menu.

What have you already tried:
I’ve added an anchor to the section and it still won’t show up.

In the section settings, you will find the option to add anchor link at the very bottom.

Enable it.

After that you can add an anchor link to any element on any page

Thank you so much!! it was under my nose this whole time.

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It’s very easy to miss… I did at first as well. :slight_smile: