Controls in expand mode in pro-gallery do not work

Hello! Please help me to solve a problem. I created pro-gallery on my website and when I go to expand mode the controls are not working: Next, Close, Like, Zoom Out buttons - all them are not working. I’ll attach loom record to provide more details.

Good wishes, Natalie

Same here. I think it might have to do with their recent Editor update? Did you find any solutions?

Thanks for sharing - we have a Known Issue article here - Buttons Become Unresponsive in Expand Mode/Fullscreen in Pro Gallery on Second Opening | Help Center | - it’s worth following to get notified when it’s resolved.

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Unfortunately, no. And the problem still exists (

Thank you! After turning off Grayscale and Blur, it works. But it’s disappointing that I can’t implement all the settings I want for now

The issue is resolved, so it should allow you to have them back as you need them :slight_smile:

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Thank you, I’m so grateful!

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