Copy/Paste behaves really strange in Wix Editor

Since today I can not properly copy/paste anymore in Wix Editor. When I paste something it does not only paste my copied content but also it pastes an earlier copied object. Really strange. Anybody had this issue? Any idea how to solve it?

What are you trying to achieve:
I want to copy/paste as normal

Additional information:
Wix standard editor on Microsoft Edge

Same problem here! Any solution yet?

same problem here - whyyyyyyy?

Same problem here, and it’s been going on for some time. Some days it works fine. Others, like today, it won’t work at all. Not with the mouse and and not with Ctrl+C Ctrl+V. It’s getting frequent enough that I’m really considering another platform. I use this function a lot, and something as simple as copy/paste should be a non-issue.

I have tried using Chrome and Firefox. Same issue regardless. Same issue after immediately shutting down and restarting the computer. It’s not the computer and it’s not the keyboard or mouse. IT APPEARS TO BE WIX. I can open Canva and copy/paste all day long. Switch back to WIX and NOTHING WILL COPY. The “paste” option is not clickable. Using keyboard alternatives doesn’t work.

Same exact issue for me. It’s really impossible to use to share links… Wix should really look at this issue ASAP.