Create a button with multiple lines of text

This text is copy of Guillaume Noel but I think there is a lot of us who need it:

Some of my buttons have a lot of text (8-10 words) and it’s fine on the computer side because I can just make a longer button but when I get to the phone version, I cannot fit all the text of my buttons on 1 line unless I make it ridiculously small.
Having the possibility to make a button with multiple lines of text would fix my problem and also bring the possibility of square or circle buttons with 2 words one of top of each other like “click here” or “buy now” as an example.

Thanks for any advice :slight_smile:


There’s a workaround for it. You can add a container box and a text element attached to it. Afterwards, you can use the editor to create a hyperlink to the relevant page. For this workaround you don’t even have to use code :wink: I hope it’s clear.


Well that’s what I’m using right know :slight_smile: I was just interesting about button. But thanks for your quick answer I hope it will help somebody :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Yes, but with this work around when you hover over the text the hover effect is interrupted. And hover box hover effects/animations are not as smooth buttons. Multiple lines of text on a button would be a definite improvement.


Agree! Hover effect doesn’t work properly with the workaround. Please enable multiple lines of text on a button.

It seems like a feature like Powerpoint’s TEXT BOX would be a nice feature for both the Add Text menu and to result in multi-line text boxes that could be linked and hover correctly. As it, it’s pretty klugey

Thank y’all for bringing that issue up. Buttons with multiple line option is a basic feature, not something we should have to ask coder to implement. They have much more important “cats” to take care of and issues to address. Please, we need this option and I need it to for the product I am packaging at this moment. Thank you!

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I would also find this useful - I have a textbox in a repeaters and I want it to be able to open a new tab with some dynamic link ( based on a data collection ). For some reason text boxes don’t work for that, however buttons work fine. The issue with the buttons is that they limit my text to one line.

I also find this difficult. For example, consider what I would think is a pretty common requirement: a repeater item title which needs to wrap onto two lines, where this title links out to a dynamic item page in a _blank window.

I’m amazed at how difficult this is to achieve in Wix - I’ve spent a REALLY long time trying various workarounds to the BASIC poblem of wrapping hyperlinked text and making it open in _blank. I’m currently trying out the Text.html = “” to see if that can be a solution, but it’s tedious work because of the use of text themes, hover colours, adding dynamic links into the anchor tags, etc, etc, etc.

A text-wrapping button, with the ability to open a dynamic item in a blank page would be a really helpful element and would have saved me a lot of time.


yes…please…multiple line buttons would be so helpful in keeping buttons square or circles round…please :slight_smile:

Has this been fixed yet? There’s 20 people asking for something super simple…

If you want a new feature, please post in the feature request section.

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