Create and Update Collection with Pricing Plan Data

We have a membership site through which individuals can purchase paid pricing plans that dictate their access to pages on the site. This works well.

Additionally, I have a custom profile form that collects information about our members as it relates to their work. This data is stored in a collection. This also works well.

However, I have no way to see membership status (pricing plan info for an individual) alongside their custom membership data. I was thinking I could create a collection with the pricing plan info and then use multi-reference fields to pull the pricing plan info into the members collection so that I could see real-time membership status alongside their custom membership data. I have read through the API resources related to pricing plans but am still uncertain as to how to create the collection that includes our existing purchased pricing plan info and ensure that it continues to update when plans are purchased, changed, etc. If anyone has an example of this that they could share, I would appreciate it.

You would need to create yourself a dynamic page or some type of interface to retrieve and view that data via code.

You can don’t need an entire collection to save pricing plan related info because the pricing plan will eventually expire.

To view their orders and see if they are active, you can use check out the API docs:

Thank you so much for the response. In creating a dynamic page to display the info, would I be able to pull data from the pricing plans and the collection that has the member custom profile data? And then is that data filterable/sortable, and most importantly exportable? It’s the link between the two that I’m trying to solve for. I can already see the pricing plan data on its own easily through the subscriptions module within the Wix dashboard. And already access, filter, sort, and export the customer member profile data.

My ideal state is that there would be columns in the customer member profile data collection that had the individual’s most recent/current pricing plan, with the expiration date. The history is less important. The goal is to be able to answer the question, how many current members do we have in XYZ state or how many current members do we have who work in this specific field? The state and professional information are in the custom member profile data collection and editable regularly through a form. The current membership status is through the pricing plan.