Create Previous and Next Buttons for a Dynamic Item Page

Ok - newbie and not an experienced coder by any stretch of the imagination. I’m trying to create “back” and “next” buttons for a dynamic page. I’m following the tutorial at: Velo Tutorial: Creating Previous and Next Buttons for a Dynamic Item Page with Code | Help Center | to the letter!

I’ve changed the dataset ID and the “link to item” value to the field key and end up with this javascript:

import {local} from “wix-storage”;

const linkField = “link-Artwork-Images-title”; // replace this value

$w.onReady(function () {
$w(“#Artwork-Images”).onReady(() => {
const numberOfItems = $w(“#Artwork-Images”).getTotalCount();

$w("#Artwork-Images").getItems(0, numberOfItems) 
  .then( (result) => {  
    const dynamicPageURLs = => item[linkField]); 
    local.setItem('dynamicPageURLs', dynamicPageURLs); 
  } ) 
  .catch( (err) => { 
    console.log(err.code, err.message); 
  } ); 

} );
} );

However, when I copy & paste this code into the page tab of the Code panel I keep getting the following error message: “ESLint failed to validate as an error occurred unknown character at postition 9” ??? Can anyone assist please as this is only the 1st stage in the process?

PS - if by “position 9” - it means line 9 - this is the code which appears on that line:
$w(“#Artwork-Images”).onReady(() => {


is ’ #Artwork -Images’ the name of your dataset or database?


Hi Liran - the database name is “#Artwork-Images” - when I click onto the dataset settings on the index page the dataset name is coming up as “#Artwork-Images dataset” - is that why I’m getting the error message?

Could be…
Please open the properties panel (tool->properties panel), then select the Dataset, then change it’s id accordingly or copy it from there to the code.


I’ve just done that. Am now getting an error message on Line 15 stating: “local” is undefined ?

Ignore last comment Liran - I’ve managed to solve that part - thanks - I’m moving onto the next step

On the next step in the code panel I am now getting the following error messages:
#previous” is not a valid selector name and “#back” is not a valid selector name (both the buttons on the dynamic item page have been named this and both are in lower case)? If I ignore the error messages and preview the item page I am getting:
Loading the code for the Artwork-Images (Title) page. To debug this code, open chiye.js in Developer Tools.TypeError: $w(…).disable is not a functionWix code SDK Warning: The alt parameter that is passed to the alt method cannot be set to null or undefined.

Ok - I have managed to sort out the code and get it to work - however, what I actually want is code which allows the user to select a “back” or “previous” button and be re-directed BACK to the URL they just came from - NOT the previous item in a dataset. Is this possible please?

Then why is the browser back button not good enough?


I really wanted to link it to a simple “X” on the dynamic image page - so that as soon as the item page is closed they are taken back to the index page they came from - this must be possible with code? I have managed to get the previous and next buttons to work but I am getting several error messages on the page code even though it is working which reads: "To debug this code, open chiye.js in Developer Tools.Wix code SDK Warning: The text parameter that is passed to the text method cannot be set to null or undefined. "

This warning means you’re assigning null or undefined to a text (could be $w(‘#text1’).text =…).

Regarding the ‘X’ button.
I assume you have different index pages, so you’ll need to ‘remember’ the page they came from.
You can try using wixStorage for that.


I do have different index pages and need to “remember” the page. Is there a tutorial anywhere on how to use wixStorage for this purpose?

will a “history.back” script work?


Unfortunately we do not have a tutorial that combines wix-window and wix-storage.
However you can find a tutorial that uses wix-storage to communicate between pages here , which will probably guide you in the right direction.

To get the current page url simply call:

import wixLocation from 'wix-location';
 // ... 
let url = wixLocation.url;

It is not possible to directly access the History object with Wix Code.

Thanks. Will take a look.