Dataset Errors in Previous/Next Buttons for Dynamic Page

Hello. I am not an expert coder by any means, but I followed the tutorial (Velo Tutorial: Creating Previous and Next Buttons for a Dynamic Item Page with Code | Help Center | to create “previous” and “next” buttons for a dynamic page. The buttons ARE successfully working, but I am getting code error messages on both the dynamic page and the index page. Can anyone help me figure out what is causing this?

My database is “Vintage_Postcards.”

On the Index Page, I am connecting the database to a gallery. The Dataset name is “Vintage_Postcards dataset” and its Properties ID is "dataset1.

This is my page code:

In preview the gallery looks and works correctly, but the code generates the error DATASET1 IS NOT A VALID SELECTOR NAME.

On the dynamic item page, I have successfully connected the image, title, and descriptions to the database. I have also connected my “previous” and “next” buttons. The Dataset name is “Vintage_Postcards Item” and its Properties ID is “dynamicDataset”

For the “previous” and “next” buttons, the Properties IDs are “button2” and “button3”.

This is my page code:

In preview the page looks good and the buttons function perfectly, but the code generates the errors BUTTON2 IS NOT A VALID SELECTOR NAME and BUTTON3 IS NOT A VALID SELECTOR NAME.

Even though things appear to be working, they obviously are not. Can someone please help me figure out what I am doing wrong? I have gone back and forth fiddling with changing names but no matter what I do, the errors come back. HELP!

Hi Christina,
Can you paste your editor url here?
Only authorized wix employees are able to access it.

Thank you Ido! Here it is:

Hi Christina,

There is nothing wrong with your site’s code. The errors are all false positive.
If you click the code section after navigating to the page you will see that the errors all clear.

We are working on a fix however note that it is only a visual bug and should not affect your site’s usability.


Thank you so much, Ido. This was driving me crazy! I appreciate your help.

Hi Ido,

i am experiencing an issue with the code that was located on the "How to Create Previous and Next buttons found in the Wix Help Center. I added the code for the page that houses the repeater and the dynamic item page, but the buttons don’t work. I would appreciate your help.

Thanks Debora