Hello. I am not an expert coder by any means, but I followed the tutorial (Velo Tutorial: Creating Previous and Next Buttons for a Dynamic Item Page with Code | Help Center | Wix.com) to create “previous” and “next” buttons for a dynamic page. The buttons ARE successfully working, but I am getting code error messages on both the dynamic page and the index page. Can anyone help me figure out what is causing this?
My database is “Vintage_Postcards.”
On the Index Page, I am connecting the database to a gallery. The Dataset name is “Vintage_Postcards dataset” and its Properties ID is "dataset1.
This is my page code:
In preview the gallery looks and works correctly, but the code generates the error DATASET1 IS NOT A VALID SELECTOR NAME.
On the dynamic item page, I have successfully connected the image, title, and descriptions to the database. I have also connected my “previous” and “next” buttons. The Dataset name is “Vintage_Postcards Item” and its Properties ID is “dynamicDataset”
For the “previous” and “next” buttons, the Properties IDs are “button2” and “button3”.
This is my page code:
In preview the page looks good and the buttons function perfectly, but the code generates the errors BUTTON2 IS NOT A VALID SELECTOR NAME and BUTTON3 IS NOT A VALID SELECTOR NAME.
Even though things appear to be working, they obviously are not. Can someone please help me figure out what I am doing wrong? I have gone back and forth fiddling with changing names but no matter what I do, the errors come back. HELP!