Creating an http-endpoint

Hello Velo-Community,

i am on my way to discover the http-functions and how to use them (never really used them before).
I want to crete an http-endpoint, which will allow users to get data by using an http-request.

Because it is my first attempt to generate it, i have some diffculties to get it to work.

This is what i have right now…

import {ok, notFound, serverError} from 'wix-http-functions';
import wixData from 'wix-data';

export function get_myFunction(request) {
   let options = {
       "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
  return wixData.query("Example-DB1")
  .then((results) => {
      if(results.items.length > 0) {
         options.body = {"items": results.items};
         return ok(options);

Not sure if everything is coded the right way :sweat_smile::roll_eyes:
How i can test my generated code, if it is working or not?

1 Like

Ok, still no answer found on this topic.

To understand all this http-process better, i try to simplify it a little bit more…


import {ok} from 'wix-http-functions';

export function get_myFunction(request) {
   let options = {
      "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
      "body": "some text here"
   return ok(options);

Isn’t this all i need to create an http-endpoint?

My wished result is just the little STRING —> “some text here”, which should be shown like the result of this example-link…

When openening the related http-site directly in the browser, like this example-one:

Thnks so much! great

Need your help a little bit on this topic. Like i could see that you are online, right now. Would be great if you could give some hints on this. :roll_eyes:

OK, found an good example from Yisrael here…

also tried it out. It worked inside the example when i was requesting for example like… ,
but when i am doing the same thing on my own example, it doesn’t work at all.

I have right now copy and paste one of the given functions in the given example and modified it a little bit to my own needs.

import {ok, created, badRequest, notFound, serverError} from 'wix-http-functions';

export function get_xxx(request) {
   let options = {
        "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"

   let query = wixData.query("Team");
   if (request.query) {
   var query_keys = Object.keys(request.query);
        query_keys.forEach(function (entry) {
            query = query.contains(entry, request.query[entry]);
    return query
    .then((results) => {
      //matching items were found
         if (results.items.length > 0) {
            options.body = {
                 "items": results.items
            return ok(options);
     // no matching items found
        options.body = {
            "error": `'${request.path[0]} ${request.path[1]}' was not found`
        return notFound(options);
 // something went wrong
    .catch((error) => {
        options.body = {
             "error": error
        return serverError(options);
  1. Collection-Name = “Team”
  2. Code is written down in the Back-End-Section (JSW-File)
  3. Function called —> “xxx” (get_xxx)

Why it is not working when i try to call this http-function with… com/http-test/_functions/xxx


Start with a simple query and move up from there

import {response} from 'wix-http-functions';
import wixData from 'wix-data';

// You need to suppress authorization if your database has permissions
let full_suppress = {
   "suppressAuth": true,
   "suppressHooks": true

export function get_filter(request) {
    // First check if a query parameter is present in the request or not
    if(request.query) {
        return wixData.query("contact01") //remember to put a return here
        .find(full_suppress) //suppress authorization checks
        .then( (res) => {
             // Now check the length of the items retrieved
             if(res.items.length > 0) {
                 // Items found so return a 200 HTTP response
                 let options = {
                     status: 200,
                     body: res.items
                 return response(options); // similar to ok()
            } else {
                // No items found, return a 404 HTTP response
                let options = {
                     status: 404,
                     body: 'No items found'
                return response(options); // similar to notFound()
        .catch( (error) => {
             // This will catch any error with the wixdata query
             let options = {
                status: 500,
                body: error
             return response(options); // similar to serverError()
    } else {
         // Send a 400 response if no query params are found
         let options = {
            status: 400,
            body: 'No query parameters found'
         return response(options); // similar to badRequest()

Read my comments, this is a basic scenario on how to create a http function and get database items using an api call

Hmmmm sorry, still no luck! :expressionless:
What do i missing?

I modified your code like:

import {response} from 'wix-http-functions';
import wixData from 'wix-data';

// You need to suppress authorization if your database has permissions
let full_suppress = {
 "suppressAuth": true,
 "suppressHooks": true

export function get_filter(request) {
 // First check if a query parameter is present in the request or not
     if(request.query) {
        return wixData.query("Team") //remember to put a return here
        .find(full_suppress) //suppress authorization checks
        .then( (res) => {
            // Now check the length of the items retrieved
            if(res.items.length > 0) {
                // Items found so return a 200 HTTP response
                let options = {
                    status: 200,
                    body: res.items
                return response(options); // similar to ok()
            } else {
                 // No items found, return a 404 HTTP response
                let options = {
                     status: 404,
                     body: 'No items found'
                return response(options); // similar to notFound()
        .catch( (error) => {
         // This will catch any error with the wixdata query
             let options = {
                status: 500,
                body: error
             return response(options); // similar to serverError()
     } else {
      // Send a 400 response if no query params are found
         let options = {
            status: 400,
            body: 'No query parameters found'
         return response(options); // similar to badRequest()

Tried to get results with…
…after publishing website.

Still the same ERROR…

@russian-dima I think you have the incorrect database id. Note that database name and id can be different. Click on the database collection’s ‘Edit Settings’ to see the id.


Any other ideas what could be wrong else?
The ID should be correct.

Also all permissions are given in this DATABASE.

@russian-dima can you screenshot your entire code along with the name of the backend file on the left hand side.


@russian-dima You have the code on a .jsw file

HTTP functions can only be written in the http-functions.js file. Create a .js file and name it ’ http-functions

@shantanukumar847 Damn! I will do that! Thanks!

OK! I changed it, like you proposed it and also published it.
BUT! Still no changes :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::disappointed_relieved:

Still not working.

Something else what i should change or add?

BTW: Thanks for your patience and effort to help me out, really appreciate it!

@russian-dima Take a closer look at your screenshot. You have created a public file not a backend file.

@shantanukumar847 Ok, i saw it. Perhaps i am already totaly overloaded xD.

I do some checks:

  1. Database published → checked !
  2. Database has right ID —> checked !
  3. Database has permissions —> checked !
  4. Using a JS-file instead of a JSW-file —> checked !
  5. Using the JS-File in the back-End —> checked !
  6. Gave the JS-File the right name → http-functions → checked !
  7. Added Shan’s CODE-Version and modified it —> checked :grin:!
  8. Published Website —> checked !
  9. Entered the following adress into my Google-Browser: checked !
  10. Did i forgot something else to check ?

  1. Disabled → CACHING → checked !
  2. Switched internet-connection to another one —> checked !

But still no RESULTS xDDDD :sleepy: HEEEEEEELP :laughing:!

BTW: Are you able to enter my DB, right now? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

OK! I Think i’ve got it ! HURAAAAAAAY! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::beers: