CSV Import / Export

Just ready my “Coming Soon” Wix Code update.

Anybody any ideas when CSV data input will become available?

It is exactly what I need for my databases as all information is held offline in Excel.


Hugh, the code which David points to does work, both on the import and export sides, but it is not a user friendly thing, The code is fine, but you have the step to convert your xcel to csv and then json file first on the import side, then on export you have to copy and past to a non word processor so that you then convert that to excel. the tool on the convert side works pretty easily and you can go straight from the json to xls without going through csv.

So to the wix folks, I appreciate the stop gap but hope the function will come soon!!

I am trying to import tables from a MySQL database. I think I have followed the steps in creating the form. I can export the table in JSON-format, open it in wordpad , copy and paste it in the textbox, click the importbutton, but nothing happens. I presume that I have to prepare a blank collection, though with the appropriate fieldnames, in the same order, which I have done.
There’s already a first question: What to do with the first column “Title”?

Meanwhile I have joined a printscreen of the code, maybe I am missing something there because I get the remark that the parameter “event” is never used.

Every bit of code I have managed to work had that “event” question. But they still worked.

I am not an expert by any means, but the one thing it took me ages to work out was that the importing is done in preview mode, not live. Your code looks identical to mine and then I just have to type in the collection name and copy and paste the converted JSON .

Best of luck!

thanks, for the moment I still can’t get it working. So I am trying some of the tutorials to get some experience with the java scripting. :slight_smile: