CSV Merchant Export

Hi, I’m looking for some help on getting my store completed. I already creaded my Wix site only to find out by a Wix rep that

  • “As mentioned previously, the importing and exporting function has been disabled from Wix Stores.” (POR QUE?)

  • "However, you may contact a Wix Agent via our dedicated forums in order to verify if, using Wix Code, there is a way to bypass that restriction: Wix Code Forum "

and thats how you guys ended up with me. Can one of you super smart brainy tech savvy gurus, master of the WIX Univere please help me fix/bypass/correct this dilemma?

                                                                                                                             Thank you


Generally speaking - there is no way (currently) to import\export Wix Stores data using Wix Code. This feature is on our roadmap and will be developed in the coming months.

That being said - can you please elaborate regarding the specific data that you want to import\export?
I know that it’s possible to export Stores Orders (Wix Stores: Exporting Orders | Help Center | Wix.com).

Shiran “The Brain” Kohai