I’d like to make a custom page, where the user can see all the members and go to their profile, follow and unfollow them. I successfully made a repeater connected to a dataset (Members/PrivateMemberData) to display the image and name. But I couldn’t find how to make a ‘Follow’/‘Unfollow’ and a ‘Profile’ button. Does anyone know how to do this?
If you add Wix Members to your website then it will already have a members profile page in there that all members can see and each member can update their own profile on their own my profile page.
If you want to make up something similar yourself through code, then you can use this tutorial as a guide to work off of.
I know there already is a members page, but i want to make a custom one. I meant to make a page like this one: webmaq.wixsite.com/members, and this is how far I’ve come:
The only things I still need are a Follow and a Profile button. Or, maybe, just a profile button.