Hello Wix Corvid Coders!
I’m here to try to achieve a way to get an specific functionality to my website. Whats I’m planning is:
My website are current using the “Wix Paid Plans” app to generate one time payment plans, that my users are allow to buy.
When the user finish it’s purchase, the “Wix Paid Plans” checkout shows a page that says something like: “You purchased a plan!” and then when the user clicks the “ok” button, the home page of the current website is showed.
The functionality that I want to implement is redirect the user from the “thank you page” generated by the stardard “Wix Paid Plans” check out for another one, that will be the “My Courses” page.
I already looked at this example “Corvid Tutorial: Using the Paid Plans API for Pricing Plan Ordering and Payment” and I know that the orderPlan( ) function can be used to create an custom ordering and payment flux. And I know that the purchasePlan( ) function can be used to create an payment flux already made by the standard Wix Plan App.
How can I achieve this goal? Can someone help me with the logic and the code sintax?
Since I’m not a coder, I have some issues when I try to make some code by my own.
P.S.: I’m not an native english speaker, so be patient with my language isssues.
Thanks a lot for the help!