Hi there, I’m having a problem with my PayPal button. I wanted to have a button that came with a drop down menu that would show each project category and the price for each. I created the button on the PayPal site, and it looked great, but when I tried to paste the code into the Wix Editor, nothing happened, so now I’m stuck with just a standard PayPal button and my customers will have to enter the price themselves for whichever project category they want. My website is offering editing services to biology students. I have five different categories: Posters/Presentations, Term Papers, Undergraduate Thesis, Masters Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation, with the individual price coming up with each one. How can I place the code into the Wix Editor to make this button work the way I want it to? Thanks very much for your assistance.
I am having same problem did you get a fix for this? i copied PayPal code (for my drop down menu) into the embedded HTML box and it looks correct but the button doesn’t go to paypal.