Customizing the Password protected login page

Is there a way to customize the password protected login page?
Not the actual page the guest would access but the the login part.
I would like to change the colors so that it matches the rest of my website.


Hello Diana,

Wix code does not allow any customizations to the Login or Password windows.
You can find the feature request here

Okay thanks.

It would be better, if Wix allows some text to be put in the log in page to guide the visitors.

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Wix is dumb. Every time I am forced to return to it, to maintain someoneā€™s page, I see this more.

The ā€œGuest Areaā€ is not a guest area at all. It is an ADMIN area. But it cannot be customized. Hahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaha. Wow.

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Yeah, this is really a stupid feature. It would not be very hard and there is no reason to not allow it. Itā€™s not very professional looking.

I really need to customise this. Weeks of work depend on it. All I need to do is upload a logo there or even just change the copy from ā€˜Guest Areaā€™ to something else. I may have to start the whole project from scratch in another platform. Please help!!! is there no way it can be added in the back end by one of your wix team?? Something this simple could sink this entire project.

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can it be done using wix code??

@alasterspiers Did you here about this?

@alasterspiers Yes thereā€™s a way to customize the login page on Corvidā€¦ Hereā€™s a tutorial on how to do it. Itā€™s very easy to do.

I am shocked these posts are three years old and the change hasnā€™t been made. I dont even care if I can customize the page but just want Guest Area removed as that doesnā€™t apply to most use cases and is frankly just cheesy. I looked at all of the posts but dont see a way to make that change. Is there any way to customize it with code that may have surfaced over the years?

I donā€™t know, perhaps this one ā€”>

@russian-dima Thanks! But I was referring to pages locked with a password versus the member sign in. All they have to do is removed the phrase ā€¦ Guest Area.

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Can the Guest Area be edited? This is where the user enters a password for a password protected page? Iā€™m not referring to the mebers area. I just need to add text to tell people how to get access, like to email me etcā€¦


I canā€™t believe I cannot change ā€˜Guest Areaā€™ to more relevant text else, change the font or add my logo. Itā€™s pathetic.

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Please send this feature request to Wix Customer Care . They track all requests and notify the Product teams of the features users are asking for. Thanks!


I have zero coding experience. When I send people to my domain on Wix, they see a white page with a default login. I created a guest password. The people that I send to the site already know the password. I donā€™t want to collect email addresses because that may frighten some of the guests away. I just want my white page to reflect my site (with my images, my colors), with my welcome message and a simple clue to use the password they are already familiar with. I created the page with the buttons, messages and image but I canā€™t replace the white page. Also, all the code I have found so far, requires an email address. Is there any help for posting my page with a simple password to go to the blog home page?

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It seems that the mail address is not checked and you can use anything that looks like a regular address: xyz@zyx.aa would do the trick.


Is that true?

You can make your own Password protected page (lightbox) with collection.