FEATURE REQUEST: Password Pages - Ability to change text "Guest Area" (w/o VELO) & formatting options to match branding

Why can’t we customize this page/text like any other PAGE without using VELO? If we aren’t able to change this, then PLEASE alter the wording to be universal for all to: ENTER YOUR PASSWORD TO ACCESS THIS PAGE. This would seem much more appropriate to most EVERY situation using a password protected page. Where as in the digital world, I would not consider people accessing a page or website through a specific link given to them to be a “guest.” (It’s not so much an invitation to an actual event, nor are they checking out from an online store without an account. That’s the standard assumption across users seeing the word GUEST.)
My present client wants to allow “members” of the organization to review information but does NOT want to create or manage or require a Members Area . It’s just ONE page with some “additional information” Nothing needing true security, just incentive to join to access. (Small group that won’t really feel the need to share the password with anyone and no huge issue if they did.) Since they want to manage the site themselves when completed VELO is out should future edits be desired. We have created a single password protected page which is more than adequate for this situation, but already this has been proven in the REVIEW process as I was asked, “So the GUEST AREA is actually the page we’re creating for members?” (My response, “Yes, unfortunately I cannot change that text.” How SILLY does that sound?) Can you see how this is confusing? I realize it’s a workaround since we are NOT using an actual “members area” but it’s not a GUEST AREA either.

I would also LOVE to do more with branding the page (logo and alternate colors) than use template colors chosen FOR ME.


This is one of my top requests as well. We also have a client that wants elderly people to access a page and it would be nice to add some text to prompt them or explain what the password is for and a link to contact or homepage if they forget.

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any update on this? I can’t seem to customize aswell! Please help

Any update on this? We need to change the default message as well

@Erwin_Brunio Hey! There is a current feature request for this for classic Editor, but I am trying to find out if there are plans for this for Studio. I’ll let you know once I obtain more information on this!

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My organization is also interested in changing this from “Guest Area” to “Member’s Login” or something similar. Would love to see this happen. It’s a question I get each time we meet.

We do have this as a current feature request for the classic Editor. You can vote for that here.

It does not look like there is a request yet for Studio for this. In that case, be sure to submit it through the ‘Request a Feature’ button on the Product Roadmap page!