Data not displaying in table & upload button not working?

Hey there,

I currently set up a database collection with a table on a separate page and connected it to a database point and all the fields are setup accordingly yet. The submission form is also working so my issue is that all the new information is not displaying on the table. Here’s a picture:

I hope you can help me,
Jason LaPierre

P.S. Here’s the link:

Hi Jason,
Do you want any user to be able to view (read) this information?
If so, set the “read” permissions on that collection to “Anyone”.
Please see these articles for more information:

Let me know if that solves your problem.


I set all permissions to “Anyone” yet no information loads on the table nevertheless. :frowning:


I opened the site you linked and I do see information in the table.
Is this the correct information?

Huh? That’s it! I just reloaded it again and now it is working. That’s odd!

Thank you for your help!!

Note that whenever you change permissions, you need to publish the site for it to take affect (like any other element in your site). Maybe that was the issue.
Glad to help, have fun coding :slight_smile:

I’m Also having problems with uploading images to database. I have a form that saves both text based info as well as images. I noticed that the submit function does not execute when ever I upload an image. However, the images are stored in the “Go to” folder when you click on the Upload Button’s manage setting. I would really appreciate any help, Cheers.

Can you please open a new thread with your question / issue? Moreover, please send us some screenshots and the site URL so that we can have a look.
