Data Pass From Repeater to Lightbox

Kindly us to pass data from repeater to textbox lightbox

we have repeater with some data like code / name / price/ with inquiry click

we want that is customer click on inquiry button , all above data will pass to text box available on wix light which open on click event on inquiry button ,

Help to rectify this below code if any one new code in simple way better i am too much expert in this

Code on Inquiry Button,

export function button14_click ( event ) {
// This function was added from the Properties & Events panel. To learn more, visit Velo: Working with the Properties & Events Panel | Help Center |
// Add your code for this event here:
$w ( ‘#repeater9’ ). onItemReady ( ( $item , itemData , index ) => {
$item ( ‘#button14’ ). onClick ( ( event ) => {
let pn = $item ( ‘#text111’ ). text ;
wixWindow . openLightbox ( “Inquiry” , pn );


Code on Light box load

$w . onReady ( function () {

 **let**  records  =  wixWindow . lightbox . getContext (); 
**let**  pn  =  records . pn ; 
    $w ( '#text99' ). text  =  pn . toLocaleString (); 


Assuming the Lightbox is not properly getting the data passed from the repeater, I believe the issue is when you attempt to access the context data.

Original Code:

let records = wixWindow.lightbox.getContext();
let pn =;

Instead it should be:

let pn = wixWindow.lightbox.getContext();

Since you passed in a string ($item(‘#text111’).text) you do not need to access the .pn property to get the value within the Lightbox.

Hi Thomas ,

Thanks you so much , for your help,

after updatting with your code working fine as we are looking ,

can you do one more help,
we require multiple field value would be code,

like 2/3 text box

can you do one more help,
we require multiple field value would be code,

like 2/3 text box

can you do one more help,
we require multiple field value would be code,

like 2/3 text box