Database not accessible

Since 5-6 days database hardly loads for me in editor!

After trying several times when dataset opens in the editor, data collection does not open, but when I try to access data collection in the editor, it shows connection error. Hard even to modify permissions.

My internet connection is working absolutely fine but every time I try to access data connection, it shows connection error.

It’s been 5-6 days now, please help.

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Hi Anupam ,

can you share a link to your editor?
we didn’t get this from other users, db collections are working for other sites.


Thanks for the response Shlomi

Please help, am stuck bad

Hi again,

can not access the above link, what is the url of the site you are working on?


Thanks for the help Shlomi,

Wix support guided me to resolve the issue, it’s working fine now.

Thanks again

An error has occurred. Check your Internet connection and try again. please am, having this error code trying to load my data . please help me

please help