Can't access DataBase (Bug)

I guess this is on of the trillions of bugs I’ve found on Wix, but I can’t get around it. I try to access any DataBase on my Site Editor but nothing appears when I click on of them. I can though access them with Wix Database. I have a screen shot for you to see and PLEASE help me. I waited and waited, but nothing appears, also restarted the Editor, restarted the Webbrowser BUT still nothing :frowning:

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Maybe create a new profile and transfer your work to that profile & hopefully that should work, but test out the new profile first for signing into wix in general

I tried to add a new collection and when i clicked “New collection” the collection i have selected before appeared. But thanks for answering anyways

Can you please share a link to your site so i can inspect ?
Moveover, Did you try to clear cookies ?

I already solved the problem, I had to disable Wix Code Developer mode, close the tab with the editor, open a new tab with the editor, enable Developer mode, click to add a new DataBase Collection, close the new dialog window and then the DataBase I select appears. This is just one of the dozens of Bugs i have found in Wix Code.

I’m having the same problem. But that trick didn’t work for me. Is there anything I can do to solve this?

Im’ afraid, I don’t know any other solution.

I solved the problem. My site was with the SSL certification disabled. I turn it on and the databases back to work.

Oh that’s nice. BTW can you help me out with the following code:
(it won’t change the dataset’s current item index and then won’t change the field’s value.

export function button61_click(event, $w) {
		.then((results) => {
			let curuser_accountca = Number(String($w("#accountboxca").text).replace("CA-", ""));
			let curuser_account = results.items[Number(curuser_accountca) - 1];
			if (curuser_account.nome === $w("#input1").value && curuser_account.descricao === $w("#textBox1").value) {"");
			} else {
				$w("#dataset1").onReady(() => {
					$w("#dataset1").setCurrentItemIndex(Number(Number(curuser_accountca) - 1));
					$w("#dataset1").onCurrentIndexChanged(() => {
						$w("#dataset1").setFieldValue("nome", $w("#input1").value);
						$w("#dataset1").setFieldValue("descricao", $w("#textBox1").value);
					$w("#dataset1").onItemValuesChanged(() => {"");



This worked for me! Thank you PPTGames!!!