Database ok on preview but not online

I’ve created a form and a list grid on a page connected to the database. It’s all ok when i preview the site (complete form etc…) but online nothing appears on the table. Just “Loading”.
Can i have help please ?

Hello Gregory,

I think it’s related to set up permissions, you need to define who will see the data and who is will able to submit the form.
Here is a few steps that you need to set up:

  1. (Access to database)
  2. Dataset Settings | Help Center | (Ability to write and submit data)
  3. And if you have a data that you would like to share from current(sand box) - you need to sync it to live,
    CMS: Syncing Content Between Sandbox and Live Collections | Help Center |


Thanks a lot Alexander ! It’s all ok. Another problem since 1 week. I have an other website with shop. I’ve disappeared from Google because the URL for the products was page-d-articles (french) and since 4 days the URL is in english : product-page. I’ve made no changes ! so my SEO goes down. There’s is a possibility to change it ? it’s normal that the urls have changed automatically ? Thanks

Hi Gregory,

It shouldn’t change the URL’s automatically, you can change it back:

By rolling back the site revision - Viewing and Managing Your Site History | Help Center |

Or just change it manually - Wix Stores: Editing Page SEO Settings For Products | Help Center |


Hi Alexander,
First of all, thanks for you help…
I’ve search but it’s bizarre. I can’t change now manually the url since last wix update (with codes)…The URL is in english and before it was in french. ( page-d-articles and now product-page ). Doesn’t matter. just few weeks and SEO will be ok (301 page setup)
Last question and then i’ll don’t ask nothing :slight_smile: i’ve 5 premium wix sites…I’ve searched 1 week, seen lots of videos ,tutorials and forums but i can’t have the good code to do a simple thing:
I’ve a repeater (items form an input formulary) and i want to make a dropdown menu with the categories (ex: Cities form the database). Just click on the category and only see the items on the repeater…A lot of codes on youtube but nothing simple to help me…Can you just send me simple code that i can use for this function ? Is there a possibility to display only 10 items on the repeater and force the visitor to push “second page” ? Thanks for your help…Sorry for my english…i’m a french living in Spain :slight_smile: