Database record limit?


I’m currently creating a site for reporting and recording nature sightings in my area. I have already created a page which I hope will be a searchable archive of nature sightings from previous years, which allows the user to filter a collection by species, date, etc.

In their current form, the sightings spreadsheets (which I’ve not yet uploaded) have around 25,000 records per year! Given that I only seem to be able to delete 30 records from the Wix database at a time, I assume that it’s not designed to hold this amount of information, particularly as there could be more than 10 times that many if I include data going back many years.

My questions are: is there a limit to the number of records in a database? If not, how would it cope with tens of thousands of records? And, if it’s not possible, is there an obvious way to deal with that number of records, for example allowing the archive to search multiple collections at once if I split the data into smaller chunks?

Many thanks,


Hey Rory,

Wix does not impose limits on the database. You can have as many collections as you want, and as many rows in a collection as you want.

If you need further details or clarification, I would recommend contacting the Wix support team , as they know best.


I tried to add 15,000 rows of location data to a collection in the database and it was rejected it said the limit is 10,000 this may be my plan?

@nikmulconrayarchitec Did you do this with an import? If so, the limit for imports is 10,000 at a time. However, collections have no size limit, and you can simply continue to import additional “batches” of records till you’ve imported all of your records.