NOTE: Wix/Corvid Data Team reports that this limit has been raised to 50,000 in 2020.
This solves the issue for me.
Thank you !
I’ve mentioned before that this limit makes sense for hobbyist websites, but not for any serious websites with ecommerce.
For accounts that require a monthly upload of a collection with more than 10,000 records
it gets old to chop up a database into wix/corvid sized bites for import.
Can someone from Corvid please comment on this.
ANY comment on this is welcome.
First of all, the import limits are imposed to protect the integrity of the system. With that in mind, the Wix Data team does hear the concerns and will address it in the near future.
@shantanukumar847 as hooks are invoked on import as on every other data operation, they will make the import slower. How much, depends on the hook logic itself.
If you have flows where hooks make sense and some where it doesn’t. One option is to replace them with Web Methods. So, instead of doing insert directly and running business logic on the hook, you would call Web Method to perform that logic and call Data operations. In cases where it is safe to avoid running hook logic, you can still call data operations directly.