Database table cells link to certain lightboxes

I have a database of college football players and information regarding them. I also have lightboxes already created for each of the players with a paragraph and image about the player. I created a table that reads from the database and displays information about each player. I am trying to set it up so that when a user clicks on an image in the table that corresponds to the player, that the lightbox corresponding to said player will pop up. If it is easier, I am fine with having the player name go to the lightbox when clicked instead. I have some experience with code, but not with wix. This is what I have right now for the code on the page with the table (sorry if its not even close).

import wixWindow from ‘wix-window’ ;

$w( “#table1” ).onCellSelect( (event) => {
let cellData = event.cellData;
if (cellData === “Trevor Lawrence” ) {
wixWindow.openLightbox( “trevorLawrence” )
if (cellData === “Justin Fields” ) {
wixWindow.openLightbox( “justinFields” )
// etc…
} );

This code would be for clicking the name, but the image would work better, but I was unsure how to do that. I attached a picture of the table. When the “report” section is clicked (first attached image) I would like the appropriate lightbox to pop up. Just to be clear, I have the lightboxes already made and they don’t read from the database. I can change it if that is the only way to make it work though. I would appreciate any help! Thanks :slight_smile:


Keep the settings the same where clicking selects the cell rather than the row. You can get at the row data that way with a couple lines of code.

$w("#table1").onCellSelect( (event) => {
 let rowIndex = event.cellRowIndex;
 let rows = $w("#table1").rows;
 let name = rows[rowIndex].name;
 // then handle the lightbox opening logic from here.
} );

Thank you very much! I changed the setting so that it selects a cell rather than a row. I used the following as suggested for my code:

import wixWindow from ‘wix-window’ ; $w( " #table1 " ).onCellSelect( (event) => { let rowIndex = event.cellRowIndex; let rows = $w( " #table1 " ).rows; let name = rows[rowIndex].name; // then handle the lightbox opening logic from here. wixWindow.openLightbox(name) } );

I changed all my lightbox names so that they were the exact same as what the name variable should be but the lightboxes still didn’t pop when clicked. I also tried doing it like before where it was more hard coded, using
if (name === “Trevor Lawrence” ) {
wixWindow.openLightbox( “trevorLawrence” )
if (name.equals( “Trevor Lawrence” )) {
wixWindow.openLightbox( “trevorLawrence” )

but none worked for some reason :confused: . I may be missing something.

import wixWindow from ‘wix-window’ ;

$w( “#table1” ).onCellSelect( (event) => {
let rowIndex = event.cellRowIndex;
let rows = $w( “#table1” ).rows;
let name = rows[rowIndex].name;
// then handle the lightbox opening logic from here.
} );

sorry, here is the properly formatted code

You could rename the lightboxes to the actual name “Trevor Lawrence”, “Justin Fields”, etc. Unlike names of collection fields and elements, Lightboxes accept spaces in the name.

Also, I was guessing that the field name (key) of “name” is lower case. Is it?

I read up on the “name” function and it appears it has to do with detecting errors. I am going to keep working and see if I can figure it out. No luck yet though.

Actually, I just realized that my code is actually never even entering the onCellSelect() function. I put a console.log(“Start”) before the function call, and a console.log(“cell clicked”) immediately after it enters on the onCellSelect(), and only the start will ever appear, even after clicks. Interesting…