Table with images that show a popup of the image when clicked?


I have a table connected to Dataset on a dynamic page. The table contains a column of images.

I’m trying: when an image is clicked show a popup of the image.

I did the following steps:

  1. Get the image data by creating an onCellSelect event, open a lightbox and send the image source to the lightbox. This code should be added to the page section where the table is added:
import wixWindow from 'wix-window';

export function table1_cellSelect(event, $w) {
		let cellData = event.cellData; 
		//the cell containes an image
		if (cellData.indexOf("image://") !== -1){
			wixWindow.openLightbox("lightbox", cellData);			
  1. Create a lightbox and add an image as a placeholder.
  2. Get the image source using the getContext function and change the image source to the received image data. This code should be added to the page section of the lightbox:
import wixWindow from 'wix-window';

$w.onReady(function () {
	const recievedImage = wixWindow.lightbox.getContext();  
	$w('#image1').src = recievedImage;

*events: table1 onClick - table1_cellSelect

I’m getting the error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined

Please help !

In table1_cellSelect() , cellData is apparently undefined as the error message states. You need to check how you are populating your Table.

Yes, cellDatta is undefined.

But I don’t fully understand your comment.

As usual, the images is uploaded to Image column in Products Database from Media (site files). table1 is located in a dynamic page and connected to Products Database . The first column in table1 retrieves images from the Products Database.

(note i have empty cells in the Image column of Products Database since the site content is not fully prepared - but the error appears when i click on images and not empty cells).

Do you need some more info to help me understand how i’m solving this?


If you have setup your table with the cells selected in the table settings, then it will open in a new window or the same window for you.
This event is only fired if the table is set in the Editor to select cells when clicked.$w.TableCellEvent.html

Have a read of this Stack post too, especially the replies from Sam (Wix Mod).

@givemeawhisky : )

As i wrote in me first post - the table is set on the Editor to select cells when clicked.

Unfortunately I don’t understand how the Stack post @givemeawhisky sent me can help…

Please supply me the correct code.

Thank You :slight_smile:

Hi @yisrael-wix

I still have trouble with the above.
Getting now this Error:

TypeError: cellData.indexOf is not a function

Refresh =>
I have a table in a dynamic page connected to a dataset, the first column of the table retrieves images (uploaded to database from media > site files, yes the type of column in the database is correct).
I’m trying to link the images that in the table to a Lightbox, i.e. when a cell populated with an image is clicked the image will popup.

Using the following Code:
code inserted in Lightbox:

import wixWindow from 'wix-window';

$w.onReady(function () {
 const recievedImage = wixWindow.lightbox1.getContext();  
    $w('#image1').src = recievedImage;

code inserted in dynamic page:

import wixWindow from 'wix-window';

export function table1_cellSelect(event, $w) {
 let cellData = event.cellData; 
 //the cell contains an image
 if (cellData.indexOf("image://") !== -1){
            wixWindow.openLightbox("lightbox1", cellData);  

table1 properties:
Select by cells
OnCellSelect - table1_cellSelect

I will appreciate your help
