I have some input and upload buttons all linked to a submit button and a database.
Everything works fine in Preview mode, I can see that the database has been filled with information and PDF files, but it doesn’t work in Live mode.
I’ve tried with 3 different browsers (Chrome, Firefox and Edge) and I still face the error when clicking on the submit button.
Do you have an idea ?
Thanks for your help !
Have you remembered to sync your datasets from sandbox to live?
Also, as you have posted this in the Wix Corvid Forum, then please paste up any code that you have used on this page or user input form.
If you have not used any code on your page and have simply used the Wix Editor itself, then your issue is not code related and therefore you should be going through Wix Support instaed.
Thanks for your answer
You’re right, I haven’t use any code on my website.
Unfortunately it still doesn’t work even after syncing data between sandbox and live (actually, I don’t understand what is the interest of syncing data as the sandbox is only a testing environment as it’s said in one of your article, and live data is for our visitor).
For a better explanation of my website page, please see the below screenshots.
I only have :
- 3 inputboxes for text (top white elements)
- 5 upload buttons to let users add files to my database (black elements)
- 1 submit button to send all these informations to my database (bottom button called “Envoyer”)
- 2 different messages after the user have clicked on the submit button (success in black, error in red)
Preview mode : everything works and I can see the data in my Sandbox
Live mode : I face the error message and nothing appears in my Live database.
As you haven’t used any code on your page it can’t be a code related issue and theresfore you shouldn’t be going through the Wix Corvid Forum which is for all code related issues only.
You need to be going through Wix Support as they deal with all issues about the Wix Editor in general.