I’m a DB programmer, but new to Corvid. I’ve established a DB, but when I go to query it in Lightbox code, I get the following series of error messages in the console:
Hook beforeGet for collection Drinks0108 result ignored! Expected hook result to resolve to a string, but got [Undefined]
WDE0025: The Review-Stats.01.08 collection does not exist. You cannot work with a collection using the Data API before it is created in the Editor.
An error occurred in one of afterSave callbacks Error: WDE0025: The Review-Stats.01.08 collection does not exist. You cannot work with a collection using the Data API before it is created in the Editor.
The collection definitely does exist. The spelling is correct. I’ve spent days trying to get this thing up and running and am running out of patience. The “0108” stuff is because I reestablished all of my DBs yesterday because I suspected that they were all corrupted somehow, and some of them started to behave better, but some are still utterly baffling.
I’m making the following call to the DB in the code:
let stats = await wixData.get(‘Review-Stats.01.08’, drinkID);
where drinkID is a ref field.
Can anyone help?