Date Picker (and now dropdown) intermittently showing blank values in repeater

I’m working with support on this problem but I wonder if anyone else has experienced it.

I created a test page that has no page code so I could isolate the date problem without having page code to complicate things. (In my last test, I noticed some rows now have blank Activity too when the data collection shows data in that field.)

I have a repeater on a read/write data set that shows blank dates on some of the rows (after I click a button to load more entries).

Dataset properties (I’m using 3 filters but I have the problem whether the data set has filters or not.)

My data collection has 420 entries. 45 belong to the logged-in user.

This is a screen shot after I clicked the Show more entries button (for load more). I added a column to the far right that is a text box showing the date field directly from the data collection so I could assure myself that the date was not actually blank in the collection.

In this example, the first 5 entries showed dates for the Date Picker. The second 5 entries show 5 blanks and one with a date displayed on the last one.

The weird thing is that I just zipped through the data for another user with 163 entries and the dates (and activities) were displaying fine until the 40th row then I started seeing intermittent empty Activity fields (verified to have data via the Content Manager).

In the last 15, now I see some with both Activity and Date blank. (Both are required fields but date is set to read-only in this test.)

Although support is working with me on this, I’d like to know if anyone else is experiencing it. It might help support figure out what’s going on if there are multiple sites with the problem.

Thanks in advance for anything you can contribute.

You are posting this in the Corvid Forum which deals with all code related issues only, so the first question would be along the lines of have you used any code on this or have you done it all through the dataset settings in the Wix Editor itself.

Yes you mentioned it in your post, however we need to just double check, as you mention code though, it might be worthwhile posting up what code you have used if you have some on your actual page and not on your test page.

You can see an example of using inputs in a repeater here.
Also, check the replies in that above link as they do mention about date pickers.

Along with the Wix API Reference for the Repeater.$w.Repeater.html

Another thing to do is to make sure that your dataset has loaded fully after your page is loaded, so that the repeater displays only after the dataset is fully loaded.

Also, in your post…
In the last 15, now I see some with both Activity and Date blank. (Both are required fields but date is set to read-only in this test.)…

How can you have a user input for a dataset if you have the dataset set as read only, for it to fully work you would need it at least on read and write.

Plus make sure that whilst you get the mode right, that the permissions are setup correctly too.

Note too, that in the Wix Editor you are working in sandbox version, whereas on your live site you are working in the live version, so you need to sync your datasets if you want them to match.

Oh dear, my apologies Barb, I just read those comments on the Input Repeaters page and you are already on there.

Hopefully, this gets sorted out for you. :grin:

Thanks. Yisrael suggested I post a new item about it.

@givemeawhisky The data set is Read & Write (see the screen shot above). What I meant to say is the settings for the Date Picker and text date items are set to read only. Sorry for the confusion!

I have a test user set up in my example so I am testing it all live, nothing in the sandbox. The page is not visible to my users on a menu.

The permissions on the data set are good because I use the dataset in another live page. When this problem is fixed (hopefully), I will be rolling out a version of the example on the Input Repeaters page where the user will be able to add new items, and edit or delete existing items. My current live page is clunky because I didn’t know how to do that when I started in September.

The other page code is irrelevant because the problem is showing itself whether I have other page code or not. Initially support was reviewing my live page but I decided to set up a test page so I was sure there were not issues with my code causing the problem. My other issues were posted on other threads (and thanks to those who have helped me resolve).

Thanks for reading my posts!