Does anyone here works with WIX Booking and find it extremely hard to manage it because we can not see “Session Count” on services we offer for customers?
Let me explain this issue in more details.
When you create a paid plan for a service and lets say it is a 10 session yoga class which the member buy and then use to book yoga classes - the member himself/herself can then go and book a class and have their credit deducted each time they book a class session.
The member can also see their session count and how many sessions left in their credit every time they go to book a new session, click on the date and time and before booking they will see something like “Remaining sessions: 9/10”
From the member point of view, it is very clear how many sessions left in their account, but from my client point of view, the Yoga studio who needs to know how many sessions left for each students, they have no way to find out this parameter.
How do you deal with this issue of finding out how many sessions left for members?
@hidemitakagi , I agree that it is an important information for your (or any) client to know about their members and we will add it to our future plans. Thanks
Unfortunately if Wix Bookings doesn’t have this as a feature / function / API ---- then it cannot be done. We would not be able to use Wix Code either because it is not part of their API:
This means, either submit a feature request or use something else that gives you this ability if it extremely important for the client to have this option. I do not know of any 3rd party app that has this functionality, so I cannot make any recommendations.
You can mostly build this entire thing from scratch using Wix Code. It is advanced coding and advanced logic, but #totallycodable.
The basic assumption of any booking system is that both seller and buyer needs to know the same information. One offer something sell and one buy it - both needs to be aware of every aspect of the transaction.
I am just wondering, if this session count parameter is part of the member available information (ie. when a member book a class, they immediately see how many sessions left from the total session they purchased in their plan “Remaining Sessions: 4/5”) – why is this parameter - which is available in the system, is not available for the website owner/plan-seller?
@hidemitakagi Yes, I understand your question. And I do not know why the Wix Bookings team did not release that capability.
All I can tell you is: it is not possible because they did not create it.
All I can suggest is: if you need it, then building the entire thing from scratch using Wix Code would be the way to achieve that fastest.
@nayeli I am not a WIX Code expert (hopefully one day) and you got black belt in WIX Code. Could you tell me if it is possible for me to get an API call to get this parameter out of the database?
Or maybe I can approach it in a different way. Do I have access to that database and export a current up to date .csv of all students session count left in their plans?
Thank you for the WIX coders and for the whole product development team.
This issue is part of the past and today I saw the first Session Count (Number of Sessions) added to a paid plan!
One small step for us, one giant leap for mankind - you can quote me on that!!
Kind of proud to see that in the weekly updates.
3 Months after posting the issue here and 4 months after first approaching technical support with the issue.