Hello Velo Community!
You may have seen me responding to some of you in the forum these past few weeks, and as much as I enjoy being shrouded in mystery, I think it’s time for an introduction!
My name is Amanda, and I am one of the newest members of the Developer Relations team here at Wix. I am a self-taught developer with a background in geospatial data analysis. I’ve worked in many different tech stacks (even worked with Wix Code for a client when it was still in beta!) and am always down to learn something new. Outside of work, my dog runs my life. If I’m not responding to you, it’s his fault
If you aren’t familiar with what Developer Advocates do, here are some examples of what you might expect to see from us:
Video Content - This could be a deep dive into a Velo API, third-party integration, or explanation of an important JavaScript concept
Blogs - We may write about up and coming trends in tech or do some long form tutorials
Hackathons and Developer Events - We partner with organizations to host hackathons, talks, workshops, and more.
Within Wix we also partner with the product teams to work on R&D, help test out new APIs and features, and provide feedback and insights from YOU, the community, to help them make the best decisions on where to take Velo and other Wix products.
Here are some of my awesome teammates. You may see them around the forum helping out or posting new tips and examples:
Joshua A
Josh J
You can follow us to get notifications about our latest content directly in your inbox. You’ll be hearing much more from us very soon, and we’re looking forward to working with you!