Displayed currencies for Wix booking services / business location

How are currencies displayed for Wix Booking services? Can a business located in Canada display prices of services in USD by default and proceed to checkout without issue?

Wix Studio

What are you trying to achieve:
I am looking to display all of my pricing in USD by DEFAULT (NOT IN CAD). Is this possible?

I am a company / business (corporation) located in Canada. My business location is set to Canada on Wix. (I CANNOT CHANGE IT TO US, MY CORP. IS CANADIAN)

My selected currency is USD:


My published website (not finished) shows pricing in USD (which is what I want). Will this be an issue since my location is set to Canada (a representative told me this would cause issues at checkout - he didn’t seem like he understood me)


What have you already tried:
I have already spent HOURS on the phone - I’ve spoken to the billing department, the stores department, the payment department, the wix studio department, none of them can give me a straight answer.

Additional information:
I understand there are 3rd party currency converters that display a converted pricing in local currency. This would be fine however I’d like the DEFAULT currency to still be in USD - Because from what I have seen, these currency converters don’t remove the default price number, they just put the local currency price next/under it, they don’t replace the default currency price.

Hope this makes sense.

Hi @Greg_B! Your default currency will need to match your business location. Yes, you can add a currency convertor to your site to simply display the other currency, but no, it will not replace the default currency price.

A payment provider is the payment processor.
Wix offers a payment provider, called Wix Payments, or you can choose an alternative payment provider.
This video does a great job explaining more about payment providers.

My first thought would be to suggest finding a non-Wix payment provider that supports multiple currencies, and it would most likely involve a custom coded booking system, but I believe even then, the currencies would need to match.

To be able to accept payments on your site, you do need a premium plan. That premium plan does need to be a plan that supports payments, so for Studio it would be a ‘Standard’ or ‘Plus’ type of plan.
Here are the Studio plan options.

I’ve noted this feedback so it will still be seen; but we encourage you to head over to the Product Roadmap and also submit it as a Feature Request through the ‘Request a Feature’ button.