Does anyone know how to send automated email response after data form submission? Wix automation only caters for Wix Forms

Wix Automations works with Corvid, you just need to choose the option. Without checking the choice I think is data option and the second trigger option in choice, the Wix Automations support pages haven’t been updated yet to reflect that you can use your own coded forms.

Otherwise look at using triggered emails either to contacts or members.

Thank you for your response GOS!
I had a look a the articles you shared, they’re not what I want to do. Perhaps let me explain what I want do.

For custom forms Wix allows me trigger a notification that is sent me when a user submits a form so that I am aware and I can take action.

I have created custom forms on my website, they work perfectly, user is able to submit and the data is captured correctly. After submission I want to trigger an automated email to say, Thank you for your submission. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.