Does Wix development read this board?

@brett @stevenjose et. al,

Can you share the process of what happens if someone on here has a feature request or product improvement request?

Does Wix development actually read this board, or is it your task to forward our ideas to them?

Perhaps I’m just not paying very good attention but it seems like very few of the feature requests made my partners actually come to fruition. I understand that some requests are significant, but there are others that seem very reasonable and would be easy to implement.

Just curious.

Hi Shannon, yes they do. :slight_smile:

I won’t go into full detail regarding the process, but when it comes to feature requests, I have a log that’s shared with multiple PM’s within the company.

Additionally, I’ve been working with our Product Insights team to keep track of the many feature requests that are reported across many different channels, this forum being one of them.

Although updates are not always communicated, they are being reported. If you search this forum, you’ll see there are several PM’s who do share updates regarding certain features that are in development.

As far as feedback, generally when I say I’ll share it with the team, I do! Here’s an example from earlier today. :blush:

I want to make a couple points:

1: Yes, there is a process. Feature requests from the community + account managers are pooled and given directly to the PMs and PMMs at Wix. Issues, concerns, and tough questions that are found here and in the FB group are directly forwarded to teams. You will see product managers actually respond here.

2: The culture at Wix has become incredibly engaged with this community over the years. So much so - that product managers reach out to me weekly and ask what the partners want. If you don’t believe me I’ll send you a SS of my inbox (jk, I really couldn’t do that!).

3: Roadmaps at Wix are built around partner feature requests. This is 100% true and I’ve seen this happen for years. As a matter of fact… before a new feature begins at Wix part of our culture dictates that we talk to users/partners. During the Forward 2021 interview Wix’s CMO Omer Shai mentioned that Wix focuses on our users’ success.

I could have just said: YES, ABSOLUTELY… but that wouldn’t be as detailed. :smiley: Don’t worry Shannon, I’m the most annoying person in this company. I text, call, email, and send smoke signals to all the PMs over all the feedback every day!

Also: a Similar post suggestion yielded a perfect example:

Thanks, guys for the response. I appreciate the time you took to be detailed.

I want to express that my entire business is built on Wix for a reason—the company is amazing and the forward progress is always encouraging.

I know it’s easy to sound like a curmudgeon and only post on the forum when I have a complaint or need, but I can’t begin to express my gratitude to Wix for providing me with an amazing tool!

I just happen to think my ideas are super awesome and hope they’re being heard. :wink:

@shannon64283 No one thinks you are a curmudgeon. You have great ideas… and keep them coming. What’s great about our community is Wix DOES listen and we get to build together.

If you notice I never moderate criticism (unless it’s just over the top rude). I love both positive and negative feedback, because both forms of feedback are beneficial.

Keep it coming my friend! :slight_smile: