Domain SSL Conflicting Information?

I have a client that’s pointing a domain hosted elsewhere to his Wix site and wondering where his SSL cert is at. I was operating off information found here:
If your domain is connected via pointing:

  • Make sure your domain host has the following DNS records for your domain:
    Note : Contact your domain host if you need help configuring your DNS records.

But then I read this over here:
Wix does not support SSL for domains or subdomains connected to external (non-Wix) websites.

The former makes it sound like SSL for pointed domains is possible but the latter makes it sound like it’s not possible. Am I reading something incorrectly?

Hi Jay!

The first article refers to if you are pointing your domain to a Wix site, not away from :slight_smile:

The second article talks about SSL certifications not being supported if you are pointing your domain away from Wix ( meaning connecting a Wix domain to a site outside of Wix).

I hope that clears it up! If you have further doubts, our support team can get more technical with you :slight_smile:

It does thank you. That’s what I presumed but SSL was grayed out until I transferred the whole domain then it worked. I suspect this issue is elsewhere given some other issues we’ve run into with that host.

Yay! Glad to hear it was all sorted.