Hi, I’m working on a horizontal menu on Editor X. Some menu links have submenus. I’m desperately looking for a way to include some sort of dropdown arrow/icon so people know there’s a submenu. I’m sure Editor X must have that option, even though I didn’t find anything (neither in the help section nor in the community here).
Hi Helena. Sounds like you may wanna use Velo to create a custom menu with the expand and collapse feature and add some animation to the arrow to rotate. You should be able to achieve similar with hover on effects too.
Thank you for your feedback - much appreciated. I can give that a go, yes. However, I really believe that Editor X should offer that as a standard feature - without using Velo.
You can use this code (works well for me in wix studio editor)
.horizontal-menu__submenu-title {
position: relative; /* For proper positioning of the pseudo-element */
display: inline-flex; /* To place the arrow to the right of the text */
align-items: center; /* To vertically align the arrow and text */
.horizontal-menu__submenu-title::after {
content: ''; /* Content is empty, as the SVG will be added through the background */
display: inline-block;
margin-left: 8px; /* Space between the text and the arrow */
margin-right: 8px; /* Space between the arrow and the next menu item */
width: 12px; /* Width of the SVG arrow */
height: 12px; /* Height of the SVG arrow */
background: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 9.282 5.034"><path d="M4.64116,4.89817a.5001.5001,0,0,1-.34277-.13574L.15727.86448A.50018.50018,0,0,1,.84282.136L4.64116,3.71165,8.44.136a.50018.50018,0,0,1,.68555.72852L4.98393,4.76243A.5001.5001,0,0,1,4.64116,4.89817Z"></path></svg>') no-repeat center;
background-size: contain; /* Scale the SVG to fit the container size */
In this code:
content: ''; is left empty because we are using the background to insert the SVG.
display: inline-block; allows us to set width and height for the pseudo-element.
margin-left: 8px; adds space between the text and the arrow.
margin-right: 8px; adds space between the arrow and the next menu item, ensuring they don’t stick together. You can adjust the 8px value to your preferred spacing.
width: 12px; and height: 12px; set the size for the SVG arrow. You can adjust these values to fit your desired dimensions.
background: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,...') no-repeat center; inserts the SVG code as a background and centers it.
background-size: contain; ensures the SVG scales to fit the container size.