DropDown Menu Not Clickable / Navigable

How to I add links to dropdown menu items? My dropdown menu is responsive and connected to the correct pages but it does not let me click the items to navigate to the pages.
Wix Studio

What are you trying to achieve:
[Explain the details of what you are trying to achieve. The more details you provide, the easier it is to understand what you need.]

What have you already tried:
I have tried recreated it, moving it to the front of the page, and unfreezing it.

Hi, Sarah_Power !!

The following code will likely allow you to navigate using the dropdown! :wink: :+1:

import wixLocationFrontend from "wix-location-frontend";

$w.onReady(function () {

    $w("#dropdown1").options = [
        { label: "YouTube", value: "https://www.youtube.com" },
        { label: "Wix", value: "https://www.wix.com" },
        { label: "yoursitePage", value: "/path" }

    $w("#dropdown1").onChange(({ target: { value } }) => wixLocationFrontend.to(value));


Do you have a screenshot or link?

Thank you for all your help! Turns out I was just overly caffeinated when I made the menu and was simply being an idiot. Thank you. If anyone else is having this problem: submenu titles are just titles and can’t be linked to anything. :slight_smile: