Make dropdown clickable and link to different page

Hello! I am trying to make it so each option on my dropdown menu links to a different page but I have not had much luck so far and can’t work out what I am doing wrong!

I currently have this code in place:

import wixLocation from 'wix-location';

export function dropdown1_click(event) {
    let url = $w('#dropdown1');

Which sends me straight to the page but I don’t get a chance to quick any option, that happens when I press the dropdown bar to select an option.

Is there any way to make it so that doesn’t happen and I get to actually choose an option?

And then be able to set it up so that the 5 options I have all go to different pages instead of just the one option?

I have linked it to a dataset and just set the values to 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and with the title being the actual words I want showing on the dropdown list.

Any help is appreciated! I have been stuck on this for longer than I would like to admit!

If you want to navigate to a url dynamically you need to access the .value property of the dropdown element. Try the following:

$w("#dropdown1").onChange((e) => {

I am assuming that the url for the page you want to navigate to is stored on the value property of the dropdown (I.E. if you want to navigate to the value stored would just be contact)

If you want to navigate to a dynamic page then you just need to change the wixLocation to the following:`prefix/${}`)

Introduction - Velo API Reference -
value - Velo API Reference -

import wixLocation from 'wix-location';

let myUrl=[];

$w.onReady(()=> {
    let options =[
        {label: "", value: myUrl[0]},
        {label: "Velo-Forum", value: myUrl[1]},

    $w('#dropdown1').options = options;


Ahhhhh! Thank you both so much!! This has sorted my problem completely!! :grin: