Hello all,
i search in helps and google but can`t find it.
Is it possible in Wix to use a Google Drive folder as content for a photo gallery.
By this I mean that if new photos are placed in the drive folder, they will automatically be added to the gallery.
- Displaying an image from Google Drive via a data collection
- Fetch photos from Google Drive to Wix Collection
- Live fetch photos from google drive
- Adding a Google Workspace "Shared Drive" to website
- Allow users to upload files with Google Drive
- google drive integration
- User-uploaded file to google drive
Like it seems you are not alone with this request.
I have seen a lot of requests, but no real solutions.
To your question, if it is possible to implement google-drive on a wix website → for sure, but you would have to generate all that code and API-integrations on your own.
Wix do not provide such options.
Dive into the google-drive API and generate your own functions and features, maybe even an APP —> Google Drive API – Übersicht | Google for Developers
Or you search for an NPM-MODULE →
But before you start your endless adventure → maybe you first take a look here…
Still wanna go the coding way??? —> https://www.wix.com/velo/reference/velo-package-readmes/google-drive-integration
You will surely find more informations about GOOGLE-DRIVE searching the web.
Thanks @CODE-NINJA for your quick response.
I have indeed already been working with the Google drive app and connected the drive to Wix.
I only run into the problem that I cannot see the photos, but only the file name and the icon.

Well, then you are talking about an issue → without showing what you already have → someking of STRANGE ← isn’t it?
I don’t quite understand what you mean, I think you are asking what I have so far.
Ok, now we move forward.
I can recognice that you are using the GOOGLE-DRIVE-APP, right?
What you have to know about APPS?
-APPS are cool and easy to use.
-APPS gives you a fast access to be able to work without coding…
-APPS can provide you only what they were programmed for.
-APPS in most cases → are not customizable.
What does it mean for you? → Whatever the APPS gives you regarding the already integrated options → YOU CAN USE ← (out of the box stuff).
BUT!!! As soon as it comes to more specific wishes (i think your case is the best example) —> the APP won’t be able to help you → if there are no given options or connected APIs to that APP.
CONCLUSION —> You will have to search for Work-Arounds, or maybe you even will start from scratch → generating your own SOLUTION.
Welcome to the CODING-WORLD !!! 
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what a pity that is that, So there is no Wix compatible solution to create a dynamic photo gallery with photos from a cloud folder?
That is a great pity, programming is not going to work for me.
Thank you for your help and your responses.
Well, without advanced CODING-SKILLS, i do not see any light at the end of the tunnel in your case. Especialy if it comes to products from GOOGLE, which are surely not the easiest to be implemented.
That’s a shame because it almost works with the drive app.
If you click on the icon, the photo will open.