Dynamic Page not loading


I am trying to create a dynamic page with a filter in my code.

It seems to work fine when I preview the page, but when I load the published website, this page is not loading, the site gets stuck.

Any hints?

The code looks like this:

import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;

$w . onReady ( function () {

**let**  today  =  **new**  Date (); 
**const**  dateFilter  =  wixData . filter ()  
  . ge ( "date" ,  today ); 

 $w ( "#datasetConcerts" ). setFilter ( dateFilter ); 


There is a general bug in wix right now I think. Non of my dynamic pages are loading right now. It happened suddenly without any reason. I’m losing too mush revenue. Please fix is wix velo team asap.

It seems like they fixed it right now. All my dynamic pages are working perfectly.

Thanks for the heads up, Makis. Same here, works.

(One can spend a lot of time looking for errors, not thinking it could be their problem…)