Dynamic Page SEO - Reference DB fields not available?

I have dynamically generated pages from one Database (DatabaseA) for which I would like to use SEO information by using a particular field in from a Database A field which is a reference field to Database B. This option is not provided when choosing fields on the SEO page.

That is, if my page is generated using a database with

Text Field . Image Field Reference Field
blah . image . Database B


Database B has

Text field Target field

I cannot selected the Reference Field from Database A in the SEO options and obtain a particular field e.g. (Target Field) from Database B.

The objects and elements on the actual page allow for this, but not in the SEO selection.

Anyone have the same issue?

Can you explain what you are try to do functionally? The SEO capabilities are dashboard options and not available in Wix Code. Perhaps by explaining what your expected out come is then other solutions might be possible.

If you share the url to the page you are working on we can perhaps see what you are doing also.
