How to Use Reference Field / Dataset Filter to View Data of Different Databases in a Dynamic Page

Hello All;

I’m building a website where users can register and view their latest project updates. I have already created a custom member area by creating members database.
I have created another database called Projects such that I will upload project details and status for each user to view.
I have set “Email” as the main field in both “members” and “projects” database. Each database has dynamic pages connected to it as well. What I want to achieve is based on the logged in user/email of members dataset the information of projects dynamic page would be displayed.

My question is, how can I connect “members dataset” and “projects dataset” in a dynamic page of projects database?

I have wrote a previous thread asking about how to connect two dataset together and got a reply by using reference field or use the filter option. I have tried both options but it’s not working for me, or am doing it in the wrong way, could anyone help in explaining the best way to achieve my goal? would it be better to use coding instead of the two other options?

Thank You.

So have you read the Wix Support pages about using reference fields and multiple datasets?

Always much easier to do it through the datasets and their settings if you can, saves having the hassle of working out and writing out the code in the first place.

@givemeawhisky Hello, yes I have read all those articles, I have applied the steps mentioned here:
but what happens is only the latest information I enter in the database is being displayed regardless of the condition I’m setting in the dataset filter.

Any advice?

Thank You

Hey @munadali2 ,

Are you using the Wix Members Database or did you build the members area completely on your own using Dynamic Pages and Databases? I am just trying to understand your set up a little better to help you more.


Hi @Robert McCormick I have built my member database, however for signup/sign in am using wix sign up form .

I think I have noticed what is the problem, I have defined 2 different members for testing purpose, the first email was my email which is also the admin, the second email is a different one. I have included data for each email in the database. when I log in with my email which is the admin, I don’t see the information I have stored for my email, I can see the last added values to the database. but when I log in sing the second email I get all correct information related to that email displayed in the page.
I tried to test this theory and added a third email with different information, I have not stored as the last row in the database but added it to the second row, once am logged in the correct information are displayed as well. which means the filtering is working.

But I don’t understand what it’s different with Admin email? is it because am an admin?
